- Image via Wikipedia
When children are growing, learning and developing, their minds and bodies are going through multiple changes. It may be difficult to keep up with those changes at times, especially if they’re active, full of energy or if their personality is different than the other members of the household. Although their bodies are still growing and developing, there may be some things that stand out to you immediately, or there may be subtle cues and hints that get your attention.
Sometimes it’s not until children get to a structured school setting that other things become evident in their lives. For example, learning challenges may not manifest until they get in a setting with other kids their age and you see how your child measures up against others in their age or maturity category. This may be a time when you begin to notice other developmental changes or learning delays that may need your attention.
- Ask your child’s teacher or caregiver for their input or opinion on your child’s learning abilities. They spend a lot of time with your child, and they may be able to tell you of any nuances or small details that they’ve noticed while the child is learning.
- Talk to your child’s pediatrician about any concerns that you have as well. Is he able to grasp basic concepts for his age? Does he interact or socialize with other children his age? Doctor’s use assessment charts and can help you determine any challenges from a medical perspective.
When you feel that your child may have any challenges, as slight or small as they may be, always be proactive in finding them the help they need. Moreover by use of available online courses, you will be able to help them offset any future problems or issues in their learning.