- Image by Getty Images via @daylife
For most parents, helping their kids with their homework responsibilities is almost like having to go back to school themselves! School is very much different than the way it was ten, even twenty years ago. Teaching methods have changed, learning styles have changed and there is much more required of students in school now than there once was years ago.
Doing basic homework is sometimes not so basic. Particularly concerning the maths and sciences, formulas, theories and calculations, doing this type of homework can be quite overwhelming. It can also be difficult and almost impossible to understand, for both the parent and the child. If you find that your child is going to need some help with his/her homework, here are some tips you can use to help them along:
- Ask the teacher for their assistance. Whether it’s via tutoring, sending home explanation guides or making a visit to their office, ask for their help in showing you how to assist your child in their homework responsibilities.
- Go to all of the community and school-sponsored science and math seminars made available. These are sessions that are often in-depth, hands-on learning for both the student and the parent in helping them to understand the school work.
- Read their books, study guides and manuals to get a better idea of what is required from the student. Pretend you’re in school right along with them! Ask questions, solve problems, read and review in order to absorb and try to understand what you’re going to help the child understand.
In the midst of helping them, you may actually start to understand it as well, and over time the homework will get easier. Use all of your available resources, including tutoring if necessary, and help your child develop a basic foundation for learning, despite any challenges he may have.